Multiple Sclerosis (MS) changes the life of an afflicted person, as well as their relatives, in a radical way. This inflammatory disease of the nervous system can cause severe handicaps. More than 10’000 people are afflicted by this incurable disease in Switzerland.  Every day a person is diagnosed: MS.


What is MS?

MS is a chronic and incurable inflammation of the Central Nervous System (Brain and Spine) that mostly starts at an early adult age. The exact causes of MS have, until now, not been clearly established, in spite of intensive scientific research.


How can MS be recognized?

Many afflicted people show the very first symptoms at ages 20 to 40. There can be many and varied symptoms or limitations, singly or in combination. The disturbances can affect various bodily functions, such as vision troubles or difficulties in keeping one’s balance, lameness in legs, arms or hands. Pains and troubles with bladder or colon are also frequent. Many of those afflicted by MS additionally suffer from great tiredness, sensitivity difficulties and trouble to concentrate. Every MS-sufferer experiences different limitations, that’s why the disease is also called “The disease with 1000 Faces”.


How does MS develop?

Until today, MS remains incurable. The existing therapies and medicaments ((or drugs!))can only lessen the progress of the disease. With some sufferers, there are no effects at all. Nonetheless there are MS- patients who even years after the diagnosis, have only slight limitations to fight against. What remains is the insecurity, because how the disease will develop with any specific patient, can never really be predicted.


Need to know more?

This survey limits itself to the most important information.

To get more specific information, it’s a good idea to look up the website of the Swiss MS-Society:





Concerning direct questions about MS the ” infoline” of the Swiss MS Society offers the opportunity  to get help from specialists, personally and free of cost:


0844 674 636

(Monday - Friday, 9 - 13 Uhr)